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Embrace the Root not the Fruit
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Embrace the Root not the Fruit

Embrace the Root not the Fruit

“We must embrace the root over the fruit. There is no fruit without the root, the root births the fruit. Desire the fruit, but realize that there is no fruit without a root. Where there is desire for the fruit, we must ignite a greater desire within to possess the roots.

If we neglect the root, we lose both fruit and root. We lose all.”  -Esan Erioluwa

We can admire traits and accomplishments in people we look up to, in the characters we created in our heads, and in our role models, but we must understand that all traits and behaviors are the results of a mindset. These are fruits that all emanate from a single mindset or a collection of mindsets which are the roots.

I believe that mindsets are the backbone of whatever behavioral trait we may desire.

This goes beyond just behavioral traits but even with ambitions, personal goals, academic success, relationship success, and spiritual success.

We must embrace the roots over the fruits.

We must embrace the training and apprenticeship it takes to build these mindsets. They are omnipotent and will bring forth the fruits we desire.

We should walk in this consciousness to the point where whenever we see the fruits of an individual or thing, what we see more clearly is the work behind it, the mindset behind the trait, and the values behind the virtues.

The next time you notice a trait in another person that you desire or admire for yourself, focus less on mimicking that trait and more on understanding the intricacies and imbibing the mindset behind it.

Because all of these traits you desire and covet are merely the results of a root—a mindset or group of mindsets.

For example, you admire how much poise a person exhibits even under pressure. Rather than try to “act” poised, ask yourself these questions:

•How does he/she think?

•How are his/her thoughts patterns like?

• What does he/she believe in?

•What does he/she not believe in?

All these are elements that combine to yield the fruits which you see and desperately desire.

Asking and correctly answering these questions help to reach the root of the fruit.

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When your focus is more on mimicking the fruits that you desire rather than the roots, you risk falling victim to a deceitful, evanescent high. A strong feeling that fades away with time, and you find yourself constantly hoping and reaching for that feeling like a drug addict.

Detach yourself from the school of thought that says “fake it till you make it”. It never works.

You don’t fake it till you make it, you only fake it till you get really good at faking it. In the end, you remain plastic. You become an addict searching for highs.

Imagine trying to grow a mango tree by planting its flesh rather than its seed. That’s the futility of embracing the fruits over the roots of a tree.

Embrace the roots over the fruits and all you desire will flow effortlessly from the root as it gains depth into the ground.

Remember, you will get all the fruits that you desire if only you can grow the root that is required, because there are no fruits without roots.

Written by: Esan Erioluwa

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