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Chinazor’s thoughts on Corruption
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Chinazor’s thoughts on Corruption

Chinazor’s thoughts on Corruption

Given that we have all dealt with corruption in some capacity, it is a problem that has impeded the development of our nation and the rest of the world.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, corruption is dishonest or illegal behaviour, especially by powerful people (such as government officials or police officers). It is an inducement to wrong by improper or unlawful means (such as bribery).

In my opinion, corruption refers to the abuse of specific obligations for one’s benefit. This essentially indicates that it is dishonest behaviour on the part of those in positions of authority, which breeds inequality and a decline in public accountability and political responsiveness, leading to the suffering of the people. I have come to understand that corruption cannot be avoided; no matter how much we talk about it or try to stop it, it still exists and causes the entire world to fall apart. This is the biggest factor causing poverty in many societies.

Since modern governments are solely founded on kleptocracy rather than democracy, they are primarily to blame for these problems. Power to the people, for the people, and by the people is how democracy is historically understood. However, this concept is no longer accurate or rather has become polluted. People no longer care about issues that are crucial to human survival because political institutions have degraded into a dog-eat-dog environment.

Corruption is eating away at several regions of the world’s educational systems. Lecturers’ coercion and tyranny have resulted in the creation of students who are only halfway competent. This can be linked to the government’s lack of assistance with wage payments and the supply of basic amenities.

It is also disturbing to hear about police brutality and the murder of innocent individuals, particularly young people, by those who were supposed to protect and serve them because “anything for the boys” could not be sorted out. In an ideal environment, people wouldn’t be afraid of the police force at checkpoints or on the streets. Another curse that needs to be removed is corruption involving the police and fraudsters. The system (police) brutalizes innocent people while being tolerant toward fraudsters because in such cases, bribery and corruption have taken hold as the fraudsters settle police officers to allow them to continue their crimes. The “Yahoo Boys and the police” is a prime illustration of police personnel and fraudsters colluding.

It is crucial to understand that corruption exists not only in governmental organizations but also in commercial and religious institutions. Corruption reduction requires work and strong leadership; thus it is not a simple task. If corrupt acts are uncovered or reported, this can help keep the public sector honest, transparent, and responsible and assist halt dishonest behaviours. There is seldom a straightforward “yes or no” response as to whether anti-corruption initiatives are successful.

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However, here are four ways I think corruption can be curbed.

  1. Reforming public administration and financial management is important because it helps a nation avoid resource waste and abuse. To do this, budget information must be made public. To serve communities and advance the common good and bring about constructive change, leaders must be transparent in the public administration and financial sectors.
  2. Citizens should be empowered to demand anti-corruption measures and to hold all governments, regardless of form, accountable for any instances of corruption. As a result, there will be trust and confidence between the government and the people.
  3. No one is above the law, and the correctional system isn’t just designed for some particular group of people, but everyone guilty of a crime as well as corruption, so it’s important to stop immunity and impunity. Effective law enforcement is required to ensure that the corrupt are punished and break the cycle of impunity. This calls for these law enforcement agencies to be transparent.
  4. Countries that aggressively and successfully combat corruption have demonstrated features like freedom of the press, the openness of government, and freedom of expression. Increased citizen participation and better responsiveness from government agencies are
    both benefits of information access.

In conclusion, despite the fact that corruption has its roots in earlier history and culture, it continues to be an issue in current society. People become unequal, unfair, and inefficient as a result of it. Measures against corruption must target the causes, not the symptoms, to be effective. This can only be achieved by addressing the underlying issues that lead to it through institutional, political, and economic reforms. The growth of corruption can be halted with the aid of anti-corruption enforcement agencies like a more effective legal system, a more powerful police force, and dependable workplace organizations. Reforms of the political, economic, and other institutions must be carefully considered to create a society with a good check and balance system. These changes wouldn’t completely alter anything, but they would limit and lessen the negative effects so that our society could advance.

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