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Linking up with a grammy nominated and singing the national anthem are things that do not come by luck. Iryne Rock catches up with REPLAY to discuss what’s being going on in her life, what music has done for her and whats next to come.

So tell us about yourself. Who is Iryne Rock? the name and what motivates you?

I am a Christian, wife, mother, singer, songwriter, worship leader and lover of music. The name Iryne Rock is derived from my real name – Iryne being a different spelling of my first name, and Rock being the English translation of my Yoruba last name. As always, I am motivated by the Holy Spirit, people I look up to, and a desire for excellence.

What type of music did you listen to growing up?

I grew up listening to contemporary Christian, gospel and popular music. When I was home from boarding school, I would stock up on the latest music on MTV, Channel O and sound check on DSTV in preparation for going back to school. I had an alarm clock that had a radio on it and would use the radio while I “studied” in boarding school. It was my escape into the world of music.

What musicians do you remember listening to while growing up?

I enjoyed music from DC Talk, Michael W. Smith, Cece Winans, Kirk Franklin,
Newsboys, Michael Jackson, Angelique Kidjo, boy bands, Janet Jackson,
Asa, P square, anything that was popular at the time.

How did you start music? and what was the turning point where you
decided to take it more seriously?

I started music in the church – singing in the choir when I was a little girl. I decided to take it more seriously after I got married. I had written a lot of songs and I
started to teach some of them to my church choir and things sort of took
off from there.

How did the encounter with Grammy nominated producer Billy Smiley come
along and how did that make you feel?

It was really orchestrated by God. My husband submitted my music to the International Christian Film and Music Festival in Orlando and to the glory of God one of my songs got nominated and actually won an award in the Best songwriter category. As part of the award ceremony, I got to perform my song in front of judges that included Billy Smiley and Kevin Max. After the show, Billy reached
out to me and we got to talking about my music. My husband and I didn’t know who he was back then but he was so humble and direct with us. He was very interested in working with us and I summed up the courage to meet up with him in Nashville to record some new music. The rest is history.

Your first album was called “Just For you”. What was the reasoning
behind the name and what was the album about?

The album title is the title of one of the first songs I taught my church. Looking back, it was more like an experimental album, where I was trying to find my
footing as a songwriter and singer, putting my gift and talent out there, in hopes of spreading gospel. I am proud of it because my husband and I were really novices in the recording department. We learned as we went along.

Performing at an NBA game is an honor but singing the national anthem is
a different league. How did that happen and how did that make you feel?

Thank you so much for your kind words. The management company I was with
made it happen for me. It felt incredible to be in front of 19,000
people. I had no idea at the time and honestly, it was probably better I
didn’t. It was an honor and I had so many people thank me afterwards.
It has been a real highpoint in my musical journey.

Were you nervous and how did you prepare for the moment?

Funny enough, I wasn’t nervous. The sound check helped but I had prepared with a vocal coach, Shaun Royer and had been practicing with my family in the days leading up to the performance. Of course, preparation included a lot of prayer and even fasting. So I believe that all that gave me a sense of peace that day.

Outside making music, what are your other interests?

I love film and TV. I am a home body so I’m usually at home eating great food and watching food shows, TV shows, cable series and movies. Dentistry is also another
passion of mine.

Your career has been going from height to height. What are some of the
things that music has helped you achieve?

Thank you for saying that. Music has been a blessing to me and my family. It is something that we all share a love for and I hope it is a lasting legacy I can pass on to my children. I have been afforded the opportunity to travel, sing and minister to young people, and meet a few amazing people. I’m not one to brag but music has been a blessing.

What are some things you want to achieve?

This is a tough question because I don’t feel comfortable sharing my plans, maybe it’s my Yoruba heritage I don’t know. I just pray that you see it when it happens in Jesus name, amen.

Your latest project that dropped on the 30th of March is called Never
Known. What was the creative process of creating the songs and how long
did the whole process take?

The album was created in Nashville with Billy Smiley. I wrote the songs in Florida but because of the pandemic, we discussed the songs over zoom, I sang them to him, then recorded them on my phone and sent them to him for him to create the music. It took us about 6 months from when my family and I travelled to Nashville to record with him. It was a fun process because my kids came with me and saw the studio and met the background vocalists. It was crazy because I was 5 months pregnant and we were right in the middle of the pandemic, but I would not change a thing about it all. I appreciate everyone I work with because it truly takes a village and I can’t do it without them.

What is your fave track from the project?

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My favorite track from the project is “What Love Is.” Aside from it being the first single we released, it holds a special place in my heart because it is my 1 year
old daughter’s favorite song. Anytime she hears it, she stops whatever she is doing and starts dancing. She also featured in the music video for the song. Just so you know, I am grinning from ear to ear right now.

There are no features on the project. Is there any explanation for this?

I would love to feature people on my next project. Remember that things
were quite difficult at the time of recording the album, that’s why we
didn’t go in that direction. Honestly, we didn’t even consider it at
the time, that’s how crazy it was.

What has been the reception to the project so far and are you satisfied?

As an independent artist, I consider it a blessing if my music touches
the heart of even just one person. We are fortunate to have had good
placements in international radio and TV, streaming services and so on.

What are some artists you would like to work with and any artist that is
catching your ears now?

I really would love to work with a bunch of people, Simi, Angelique Kidjo, Sinach, Nathaniel Bassey, Ada Ehi, Jumbo, Folabinuel, Onos, Tomi Favored, Teni, Burna boy and a bunch of people from my neighborhood- Minister Tutu, Ariike, Mobolaji, S-Dee.

What are some places that you did not expect that people have streamed
your music from?

Oh my goodness. I am always pleasantly surprised to see where people are listening to my music. Brazil, United Kingdom, Germany, to name a few are some of the places I was not expecting that are truly rocking with us.

What is next for Iryne Rock?

More music, more shows, tours, sponsorships and partnerships. Can’t wait. In the mean time, check me out on all music platforms. Thank you.

You can stay up to date with Iryne HERE

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